Monday, December 23, 2013

Public Forum Responses Scheduled for Release on January 21st

To prevent multiple duplications, our responses to the comments from the 3 open forums will be released after the January 14th Public Meeting. Please check back here on January 21st!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

THANK YOU for your input on these concepts. These suggestions will be reviewed by the committee at the next meeting.

Lake Atalanta Public Meeting Notes-  Noon & 5 PM Sessions

Bike Park:
- Add a concrete skate park
- Try to avoid pre-cast concrete, use pour-in-place
- Skate bowls
- Variety of street and transition elements
- Lights
- Native plants
- Erosion control
- Impact study for trails
- Reduce mileage of trails
- Separate walking from biking trails
- Concerned about multi-use. Hikers should have some trails that are for     hiking only and other trails for bikers. There are enough biking trails
Park & Amenities:
- Shallow swimming area in the lake for kids (3-4 feet deep)
- First aid/bike repair/fishing supply shop
- Scout Hutch as an event and meeting space (utilities for a crowd)
- Benches
- Accessibly for wheelchairs/disabled
- Historical site signage (historical past, buildings)
- Nature signs (types of trees)
- No place that can’t be seen from a central location for safety
- Plenty of trash cans
- Rollerblading allowed
- Designated areas at dog park (big/little/courses)
- Dirt bike race track
- Natural style/colored playground equipment
- Emergency call boxes
- Community gardens
- Park/trail maintenance
- Archery range at back end of property
- Observation tower (limit field of vision of tower to the house to the west)
- Native plants
- Gazebo over Diamond Springs
- Mile markers
- Water learning center – water treatment & Scout Hutch, history with water,   education center
- Trails welcoming to hikers
- Trails in sensitive plant, animal, and geology areas
- Hummingbird festival
- Signage – interpretative of flora and fauna
- Add exhibition/events area in green space area
- Compartmentalize segments of the trail for various user groups.
- Bat & owl houses
- Keep trails off of slopes along Frisco and Prairie Creeks due to nesting bird and erosion
- Reposition bike trail on East side (to West of road)
- Light trail from Cherry to Clark Pavilion
- Security/ranger station
Dredging & Boardwalk:
- Boardwalk across Elder Cove and/or walk down fishing dock
- Bridge across lake from side to side so people do not have to walk the whole lake
- Add subsurface habitat to existing lake
- Walkway crossing lake
- Fishing bump-outs along boardwalk to prevent traffic problems
- Phosphorus mitigation
- Concerned about dredging sediments being left in piles on Elders property
Dam & Walnut Grove:
-Water impoundment would degrade the creek
- RV parking north of dam
- Minimize ponding on steams
- Keep the creek flowing as it is now
- Stock lake with native fish (no trout)
Pedestrian & Vehicular Circulation:
- Pave road around lake.
- Highway 12 improved access
- Parking along the road (pull offs)
- Add tree islands in parking areas
- Make road around lake pedestrian only
- Remove the road around lake
- Speed tables/breaks
- Gate road access
- Should not be a bike dominated park
- Eliminate the road – make it a hiking road, not an area to congregate
- If nature center needs to be accessible by vehicle, allow from dam parking lot to nature center. Prohibit vehicle traffic between nature center and Timber Ridge for a natural experience

Walnut Street Improvements:
- Lighted, safe pedestrian trail from downtown to lake for access.
- Restaurant/coffee shop to draw people
- Access to East Walnut (East of park)
- Stroller access to downtown
- Keep fireplace in pavilion
- Keep green space on Southside
- Remove invasive/exotic vegetation (Kudu, Japanese Honeysuckle, and Privet)
- No trout pond on South side

Additional Comments:
- Coordinate planning between Gateway downtown plan and Lake Atalanta
- Extend public input period 30-45 days
- Lake Atalanta advisory board should include a more diverse group of citizens
- Concerned about ensuring environment is considered in all designs
- Medians are hard and expensive to maintain
- Send the power company a letter to stop them from spreading herbicides under the power lines.
- Concerned about invasive construction into hillside
- Concrete advised for Skate Park
- Free Wi-Fi
- Maintain restriction of “no amplified sound”

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

These are conceptual drawings that were presented at the two public input sessions on December 10, 2013. Comments from these two meetings will be posted soon. We welcome all comments throughout the next few months as we revise and finalize the plans. The next public input session is scheduled for January 14, 2014 from 5-6 PM in the lobby at City Hall.

Conceptual Drawing of the Bike Park at Lake Atalanta 

 Conceptional Drawing of the Hydraulic Dredging &  Boardwalk Construction

Conceptional Drawing of the Dam & Walnut Grove Improvements

Conceptual Drawing of the Overall Concept of Lake Atalanta Park

Conceptual Drawing of Lake Atalanta Park and the Amenities

Conceptual Drawing of the Pedestrian & Vehicular Circulation

Conceptual Drawing of the Pedestrian & vehicular Circulation

Wednesday, December 4, 2013